Geological Evaluation and Reservoir Characterization
Upcoming Events
2024/2023 Waterflood Courses
February 26 - March 1, 2024
Midland College Petroleum Professional Development Center
(Midland College PPDC - Technical - Engineering)
September 25-29, 2023
12770 Coit Road
Suite 907
Dallas, Texas 75251
Office 972.385.0354
Fax 972.788.5165

William M. Cobb & Associates, Inc. (Cobb & Associates) was formed in 1983 to provide quality reservoir engineering, formation evaluation, and geological services to the petroleum and natural gas industry. Our clients include integrated oil companies, independent producers, investors, financial institutions, governmental agencies, and the legal community.
Cobb & Associates is recognized as an industry leader in identifying and solving complex technical problems. Our range of services continues to grow in response to the needs of our clients. We offer considerable experience and expertise in the areas of reservoir analyses, waterflood studies, miscible and immiscible gas injection projects, reserve analyses, property evaluations, geology and petrophysics, economic studies, and expert witness testimony. We have the qualifications to handle all phases of oil and gas evaluation and financial analysis from exploration to initial reservoir development and exploitation to final depletion.
The primary objective of the company has always been to provide its clients with the highest quality consulting services possible, in a responsive manner and consistent with their needs. Our reputation in the industry, the growth of the company, and the expanding list of clients are evidence we are meeting this goal.
All work performed by the company is intended to enhance the clients' profitability from their oil and gas properties as well as provide strategic perspective regarding long-term property management. Each project is approached with the sophistication and complexity appropriate to the quality of the data and the objective of the client. We believe one of the major benefits to our clients lies in our practical approach to problem solving. By striving to choose the most cost-effective solution, we hope to provide a competitive edge to our clients.
!!Important Reasons to Consider Cobb & Associates
We are recognized for our ability to identify and solve complex problems.
We possess the breadth of experience and expertise to provide objective and practical solutions and real answers, not "hunches."
We are good listeners; we help define the problem and respond accordingly.
We are able to identify the important factors which drive the outcome, thereby allowing us to quickly focus on the major issues and develop solutions in a timely and cost-efficient manner.
In many instances, we are able to recognize and identify undeveloped potential outside the scope of the original study.
"Our purpose is to serve our clients through understanding their specific needs and using our technical capabilities and experience to identify and creatively solve complex reservoir engineering, economic, and geological problems relating to the oil and gas industry."